Privacy Policy

Dux Expression Foundation connects specialists all over the world through events, intelligence and courses.

Data and information is at the heart of what Dux Expression Foundation does, and we take matters of data privacy seriously. We respect our relationships with customers, clients, visitors, donators, sponsors, suppliers and colleagues, and the trust they place in us to hold their personal information.

Dux Expression considers careful processing of personal data of the utmost importance. Personal data is carefully processed and secured. When processing, we adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR"). This Privacy Statement explains how we collect and use your information, in accordance with the GDPR.

In this Privacy Statement we explain which personal data we collect and use, and for what purpose we do this. We recommend that you read this Privacy Statement carefully. This Privacy Statement applies to our website, and related websites and Services.

This Privacy Statement was last amended on: 4.2.2020

Use of personal data

If you use websites and related Services that Dux Expression offers, you can share personal data with us. We collect and use personal data that you, or your company, share directly with us. We will not use the personal data for other purposes than described in this statement, unless you have given your prior consent.

Types of data collected

When you use our Services, we may collect the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • IP address (via google analytics)
  • Information about your activities on our website
  • Information about your surfing behavior across different websites (for example because this company is part of an advertising network)
  • Internet browser and device type

Grounds for processing

We generally process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending our newsletter and / or advertising brochure
  • To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary to be able to perform our services
  • To inform you about changes to our services and products
  • Dux Expression analyzes your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and to tailor the range of products and services to your preferences
  • Dux Expression also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as information that we need for our tax return

We collect your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests or your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.

Retention of personal data

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes of this Privacy Statement. In general, we keep personal data of our website visitors for 12 months

Contacting us  

For any questions about this Privacy Policy please contact us at

We hope we will be able to resolve any privacy concerns you may have. However, you always have the right to complain to any supervisory authority or other public body with responsibility for enforcing privacy laws in your country.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

To keep up with changing legislation, best practice and changes in how we process personal information, we may revise this Privacy Policy at any time without notice by posting a revised version on this website. To stay up to date on any changes, check back periodically.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 4.2.2020.