DUX Platform

DUX Community Programs

The DUX Foundation started with the aim of providing people from everywhere, inside or outside their home country, the opportunity to develop their full potential regardless of origin, race, socioeconomic status or physical limitations.

The Foundation provides support through courses and individual assistance so that people can acquire well-being and evolve professionally. DUX also organizes charity, diversity and inclusion events and other programs, contributing to different entities in the Netherlands and Latin American countries.

DUX focus on:

  • Providing people from everywhere, inside or outside their home countrywith the opportunity of developing their full potential
  • Redirecting donations in shares for foreigners, international entities and projects
  • Providing social quotas for courses and events for job seekers disabled and minorities
  • Carrying out pioneering programs to help companies to meet their diversity goals with the assistance of our Advisory Board
  • Spreading Inspirational Stories from foreigners to encourage others
  • Promoting startups and services of foreign professionals
  • Providing initial assistance for foreigners in the Netherlands
  • Hiring, whenever possible, the disabled, elderly and minorities
  • Partnering in different aspects with companies
  • Assisting charities from the Netherlands and other countries
  • Providing internships for foreign students and job seekers

Co-investment and Collaborative Philanthropy

To do more and better, we seek to build and work side by side with organizations that share our dream. Thus, we work with different Co investment and collaborative philanthropy partners from the Netherlands and abroad.

DUX raises funds through donations, sustainable projects and charitable events that help different groups and entities in different countries.

True charity is as palpable as light and invisible as perfume: it gives heat, it gives .aroma, but it cannot be touched or seen.

Coelho Neto

Services and Startups

DUX promotes and assists several services, foreign startups and partners.