Lotus Self Development Journey
The lotus flower symbolizes purity, perfection, wisdom, peace, sun, prosperity, energy, fertility, birth, rebirth, sexuality and sensuality. It represents the closed heart, which after developing the Buddha's virtues, opens up.
Target audience:
Women who are inside or outside their home country
The Lotus Journey is based on regular meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to make the person acquire a new knowledge of the self. Each meeting will be unique and transformative, divided into the following modules:
- Closing cycles with the past: Living the present without emotional charge and learning to manifest success in our lives
- Emotional Balance: Strengthening self-acceptance and self-esteem, working with the inner child and experiencing forgiveness
- Relationships: Creating conscious and wonderful relationships in life through pioneering and effective techniques
- Prosperity: Understanding the main rules and pioneering techniques to obtain abundance in all fields of life
- Life purpose: Achieving the fulfillment of personal and professional dreams? How to create a map to guide a full routine, wrapped in satisfaction and gratitude?
- Professional success: Inspiring others and how to create extraordinary professional goals through new habits and skills
In this journey, throughout these meetings, we will explore the person holistically. We will use extremely efficient self-knowledge techniques, such as trans generational tree, NLP, Fusion, Mind Mapping and others to transform and obtain richness in the different facets of life.
The participants will be empowered with tools to make better decisions, improve self-confidence, self-esteem and intuition, being more aware of the processes around them and creating deeper and lasting bonds with the people who really matter.
First weekend of the Self Development Journey Lotus
Dates: May 8th and 9th
Time: 10 to 16
(to be confirmed due to COVID)

Your past, your roots...
Carolina Ferraz
Your gift, its branches and flowers...
Your future, your butterflies, your wings, your colors, your transformation,
your growth, your life...
Check our other courses:
Lotus | Colibri | Arbor | Ikigai | Aquila | Fenix | Muze | Diamonds of Life | Kintsugi